Do cats have nine lives? A 42-year-old Spring woman was not inclined to find out.

As reported, Audrey Deen Miller, left, shot her husband in the stomach with a .40-caliber semi-automatic handgun after an argument that culminated with him threatening to shoot one of her cats with a pellet gun.

Miller was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

“The husband was trying to do something to the cat and the wife was just trying to protect her cat,” Precinct 4 Assistant Chief Mark Herman told KHOU.

Another report, from, said Miller’s husband threatened to throw the cat over the fence, which seems like something the cat could spring back from pretty easily.

The cat, incidentally, emerged from the whole thing unscathed, though as Gina Sunseri and Miya Shay of ABC News reported, “there are several cats on the property, so it isn’t clear yet which cat sparked the argument.”

Oh, and Miller’s husband also is okay, though KHOU reported that when he walked out of the hospital and headed home (still clad in a gown), he didn’t have his keys. 

“A crime of passion that the entire Internet can get behind,” opined an unsigned item at the Happy Place. “If you thought Facebook went nuts trying to stop Kony, wait until the ‘Free Audrey Deen’ posts start clogging up your feed.”

Of course, the story also made its way to Gawker, where the commentariat class was in particularly fine furry form.

“She probably has a strong case that she is innocent by reason of toxoplasmosis; yet another cat gets away with it,” wrote one Gawker reader.