Jesus comes across as something of a micromanager in Warren Jeffs’s court filing to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

“I, Jesus Christ… speak to Supreme Court of Texas, my own will even concerning 51st Judicial District Court Cause Numbers 990, 1017, 1061, and Court of Appeals Case Number 03-11-00568-CR, as pertaining to legal prosecution against my servant Warren Jeffs,” the document says.

The polygamist leader, convicted in August of two counts of sexual assault of a child, urges the court to “uphold freedom rights of my holy religion.” Jeffs also delves into thorny issues of legal jurisdiction, noting that God ranks higher than the state’s top appeals court: “I am above your jurisdiction, and thus you only have the authority to fully dismiss the present cases now before prosecuting court and past court actions, thus preserving thy nation from full whirlwind judgments,” the revelation, dated November 16, says.

The Texas Court of Appeals for the Third District denied Jeffs’s appeal in late March because he neither paid his court fees nor filed his appeal in a timely fashion. On Tuesday Jeffs petitioned the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for discretionary review of his case. Among the eight exhibits attached to his petition was a photocopy of the cover of the Book of Mormon.

God seems to talk to Jeffs awfully often. During his trial, Jeffs said that the Lord would send “sickness and death” onto the land unless his prosecution was brought to a swift close. Jeffs’s followers have repeatedly mailed his revelations to Texas officials, and recently took out apocalyptic newspaper ads across the country (and even internationally).

Warren Jeffs’s Petition to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals