Tomorrow TEXAS M0NTHLY will post our February cover story about the 25 people who have the most influence in Texas politics. This is the fourth time in the magazine’s history that we have compiled such a list, the most recent being 2005, and the story includes a brief history of how power has changed in Texas over the years. The full story will be posted tomorrow. Let the arguments begin. Steve Ogden Jim Pitts Rick Perry Jay Kimbrough Dave Carney Bill Hammond Dick Trabulsi Brooke Rollins Scott McCown Dan Patrick Michael Quinn Sullivan Tom Suehs Bob Perry Steve Mostyn Al Armendariz Alonzo Cantu Bill Powers Woody Hunt Charles Butt Pat Robbins Mike Toomey Rusty Kelley Buddy Jones Bill Miller Brint Ryan In our write-up about Brint Ryan, we wrote that his reverse audits for clients costs the state treasury about $1.5 billion annually. Actually, that figure represents what Ryan&Co. saves its clients globally, not just in the state of Texas. We regret the error.