Is it even worth writing about? Dewhurst has the money and the name I.D. Tom Leppert has neither. Cruz has a great reputation as a lawyer but little else. Dewhurst has already driven most of the hopefuls out of the race and into contests for Congress–the worst job in American politics. He will win in November, then will wait to see whether the Republicans win nationally before deciding whether to take the Senate seat or, if Perry gets a Washington gig (prez, veep, cabinet), he can decline to be seated and elect to move up to governor if Perry vacates. The only way Dewhurst loses is if someone with more money and better conservative credentials than he has gets into the race. And that would be …. who? Give me some names. Who can beat Dewhurst? I have friends in the Dewhurst camp who think he will be miserable as a senator. Junior to Cornyn? Ugh. No love lost there. Dewhurst hates living by a schedule. I followed Cornyn around for a couple of days in 07. Every minute of the day was planned. A video conferences with a business group in the Valley. A Republican leadership meeting. Fifteen minutes for me to interview him. A short staff meeting. And what is your reward for being a senator? A second-rate committee assignment for a freshman and a national television gig now and then. Wait your turn for a subcommittee chairmanship. Dewhurst is used to being the boss. Freshman senators can’t be the boss of anything. And, you know, he doesn’t have a great political personality. He’s not the hale fellow, well met type. On the other hand, sticking around as light guv isn’t a good career move either. The Texas Senate has had it with him. He’d better hope that Perry leaves — but he has been hoping for that since 2003.