This poll was sponsored by a group of the big dailies. The results are pretty much in line with recent polling — Perry with a mid double-digit lead over Hutchison. Unlike some polls, in this one Medina is not in position to overtake Hutchison to get into a runoff: Perry 45% Hutchison 29% Medina 17% Not sure 8% The poll surveyed 2,018 adults, including 1,568 registered voters and 464 likely Republican primary voters. The margin of error was +/- 2.5% for registered voters and +/-4.5% for Republican primary voters. Perry’s lead is well outside the margin of error. The results here are very similar to the UT/Texas Tribune poll except that KBH is +8. Perry’s favorable/unfavorable: 46-38 Right-track/wrong track (for Texas): 53% right track If more than half of the respondents think Texas is on the right track in the middle of a terrible recession, and after a barrage of negative ads by Hutchison, that is a huge validation of Perry.