Texas Rangers

The Texas Rangers are an elite division of the state police with a storied history—some of it flattering, some not, and some just plain false—older than the state itself. The Rangers themselves date their history to Stephen F. Austin’s 1823 call for a small militia to defend his colony against Indians and bandits. The unit was dissolved after the Civil War, but later reconstituted chiefly as an Indian fighting force.

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Politics & Policy|
September 15, 2009

Not a Debate

The Hutchison campaign is doing a better job of having a daily presence—it couldn’t have done a worse job—but it is still too reminiscent of a high school debate approach. By that I mean the campaign is trying to attack here and probe for a weakness there without developing the

Politics & Policy|
September 14, 2009

One race, one ranger

Is nothing sacred? Playing politics with the Texas Rangers ought to be off limits. And if the governor is going to play politics with them, shouldn’t the governor have to say how many Rangers he is deploying? Is it two, or twenty? The El Paso Times published a

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