This story is from Texas Monthly’s archives. We have left the text as it was originally published to maintain a clear historical record. Read more here about our archive digitization project.

Everyone has a scenario—that’s what Robert Ziebell found when he photographed the people on these pages. So many people in Houston have been victimized by crime or know someone who has that the standard police homilies—to be aware of your surroundings or to submit to attackers’ demands—are ignored in favor of a much more active, or reactive, stance. Ordinary people are putting their own contingency plans into effect. They know the penalties for carrying concealed weapons and do not particularly care; they know the punishments, legal and financial, for wounding, as opposed to killing, a suspect. Even as the rate of violent crime drops, those who have not been victims continue to assume that their day will come. For them, like the people pictured here, the only comfort comes in being prepared. —Mimi Swartz