Two bags of incredibly fresh produce just  arrived on my desk. Not being able to eat several pounds of greens and radishes and fennel myself, i put out an email to the staff (AKA the Devouring Horde). The stuff was gone in 60 seconds–no, 30 seconds. The produce came from Farmhouse Delivery, a new Austin-area company that–as you can guess from the name–delivers fresh vegetables to your door. Mind you, I have not tried them out myself, just seen the quality of what they sent, but it seems like a good idea–a bit like the food co-ops of my youth (I’ll bet you didn’t know there were food co-ops in the Middle Ages). As a bonus, they included shortbread cookies and cherry scones from Barrie Cullinan, one of the most gifted bakers I’ve even come across. Check ’em out.