April 1984 Issue

On the Cover

Hi-Yo, Silicon!

Texas’ glory, till now based on oil, may be based on silicon in years to come.


Western Art

This story is from Texas Monthly’s archives. We have left the text as it was originally published to maintain a clear historical record. Read more here about our archive digitization project. From 1983 to 1986, Texas Monthly’s regular feature, “Western Art,” highlighted artists’ takes on the classic


Light in the Hills

German landscape artist Hermann Lungkwitz saw romantic vistas in the Hill Country at a time when most Texans saw only hardscrabble farmland.


Bait and Switch

Against All Odds promises love, delivers yawns. Entre Nous repels rather than attracts. Footloose and Reckless aren’t. This is Spinal Tap is painless.


Alley of Aspirations

Houston’s well-heeled Alley Theatre is trying to pass itself off as a national theater. Across town, the Chocolate Bayou is just trying to hang on.


Winter’s Travail

When the Rio Grande Valley’s balmy breezes turned frigid last winter, its aloe vera fields and stately palms turned from lush green to pitiful brown.



Texas Monthly Reporter

A heated race for the Senate; a leisurely trip to Astrotown; a cool master of Dallas protocol; a steel-industry success story in Seguin.


State Secrets

State Secrets

Gary Hart’s rise hurts two Texas politicos; at last, a solution to the South Texas Nuclear Project mess; the all-new Braniff turns out to be the same old Braniff; a delicate question about doctors.

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