January 1982 Issue

On the Cover

Bum Steer Awards 1982

In which we salute the folks who made Texas the bizarre, flagrant, preposterous, funny, and endearing place it was last year.




Big Frogs, Small Pond

Screen greats Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn embarrass themsevles in the namby-pamby On Golden Pond. Ragtime is a clinker. Absence of Malice has prescence--Paul Newman's.

Miss Van Buren Comes To Texas

An evocative American portrait is one of 75 masterpieces from the Phillips Collection now on display in Dallas. A photographic exhibit in Austin on family life covered just about everything but the family.



State Secrets

State Secrets

Poor Bunker Hunt; hogging the airwaves; why the establishment likes Hightower; worries in the Hobby camp.

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