June 1985 Issue

On the Cover

Last One In . . .

When the summer heat starts to get to you, cool your heels by plunging into an icy green swimming hole.


La Reina Diana

By her dedication, her rigor, her almost overwhelming enthusiasm, Diana Kennedy forced a generation of cooks to take Mexican food seriously and jolted Texans into realizing that there is life beyond the combination dinner.

Western Art

This story is from Texas Monthly’s archives. We have left the text as it was originally published to maintain a clear historical record. Read more here about our archive digitization project. From 1983 to 1986, Texas Monthly’s regular feature, “Western Art,” highlighted artists’ takes on the classic


Going Whole Hog

Larry McMurtry’s grand epic, Lonesome Dove, opens with blue snake-eating pigs and goes on to describe unflinchingly the settlement of the American West. Mark Singer’s Funny Money examines the biggest bank failure in U.S. history.


Just One of Those Things

Jazz singers defy definition. They may scat, or they may not; they may be veterans or newcomers; they may decline the label of jazz singer. But their music always gives them away.


Aching Hollows

Heartbreakers has a drowsy punch, but it still stings; 1918 deposits us in nostalgia; My First Wife is all psychodrama, no wit; Sylvia is refined, reserved—and despairing.


Mornin’, Mr. Smitherman

Every day the citizens of Cameron rise and shine to the radio antics of Eugene “Unk” Smitherman and his creation, a lovable rube named Silas Strausberger.



Texas Monthly Reporter

Austin’s infamous Iguana; Lucas’ latest story; San Antonio’s dedicated Dodgers; Tascosa’s secretive spirits.


On the Menu: Nero’s Italian

DESPITE ITS LOCATION on Dallas’ trendy restaurant row, Nero’s has a tucked-in feel reminiscent of the kind of cozy Italian place one might find downtown in New York City or scattered throughout Boston’s North End. Dark and atmospheric inside, strings of tiny white tea lights hang haphazardly from the vintage

Nero’s Chicken Luigi

Recipe from chef Luigi, Nero’s Italian, DallasA double breast of chicken stuffed with sun-dried tomatoes, fresh goat cheese and spinach, in a fresh roasted garlic cream sauce.6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, split 1/4 lb. goat cheese 1/4 lb. sun-dried tomatoes 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1/2 lb. fresh spinach 1/2 lb.


State Secrets

State Secrets

Can Ross Perot get the Indians to sell out Manhattan again? Why Kent Hance may not run; roll out the pork barrel; shoot down that trial balloon.

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