March 1986 Issue

On the Cover

Doin’ the Social Climb

From the heights of the Dallas social heap, they leaped to the national celebrity circuit. Rich, young, and fashionable, Twinkle and Bradley Bayoud are a case study in how to rise to the top.


Western Art

This story is from Texas Monthly’s archives. We have left the text as it was originally published to maintain a clear historical record. Read more here about our archive digitization project. From 1983 to 1986, Texas Monthly’s regular feature, “Western Art,” highlighted artists’ takes on the classic



Kwell or Be Kwelled

Cradle Cap was nothing, diaper rash was a breeze. But when my son brought home head lice—well, it made the plague look good.


Dizzy Spin

Down and out in Beverly Hills is Mazursky magic; Clan of the Cave Bear is Sheena of the Stone Age; Trouble in Mind is—never mind.




Back Roads

Back Roads

Ted Krechel, honorary winter Texan mayor of Pharr, oversees a culture as arcane as a Melanesian cargo cult.



Look into the Houston sky—those helicopters are full of commuters who are having fun.

Post-Modern Times

Post-Modern Times

At the singles bar of the eighties, is it’s not love, it could still be a good investment opportunity.

State Secrets

State Secrets

How much will $15 oil coast Mark White?; two new R’s for school districts: resistin’ reform; the truth about those bank rumors.

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