May 1985 Issue

On the Cover

The Shaggy Club

In a mixed-up world, mixed-up kids need somebody who really understands. In Dallas that somebody is a punk DJ called Shaggy.



Help! We’re Surrounded!

Of course we know that Texas is an oasis in the midst of a wasteland. But some unenlightened folk from our neighboring states beg to differ. We let them talk, then set them straight.

Western Art

This story is from Texas Monthly’s archives. We have left the text as it was originally published to maintain a clear historical record. Read more here about our archive digitization project. From 1983 to 1986, Texas Monthly’s regular feature, “Western Art,” highlighted artists’ takes on the classic



Fish Story

Alamo Bay gets in over its head; Lost in America finds itself through comedy; The Slugger's Wife strikes out.



Texas Monthly Reporter

Battles at the border; weirdos at the Starck Club; monument at the end of the tracks; Mr. Migra goes after Zopilote; Baptists at each other's throats.


State Secrets

State Secrets

Love game at Texas Commerce; Phil Gramm versus Jim Wright in East Texas; a storm over a port for Mark White; some good news—maybe—about a nuke.

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