October 1985 Issue


The Kathy Ratings

Kathy Whitmire’s substantial achievements as mayor of Houston are overshadowed by her bad public image and political ineptitude—not a good situation for a candidate seeking a third term.

Western Art

This story is from Texas Monthly’s archives. We have left the text as it was originally published to maintain a clear historical record. Read more here about our archive digitization project. From 1983 to 1986, Texas Monthly’s regular feature, “Western Art,” highlighted artists’ takes on the classic


Classical Music

True to the Past

Forget all that debate about early instruments versus modern ones for eighteenth-century music.


Beyond the Standard

Those who think there’s nothing new under the sun should check out the superior jazz improvisations on three recently released albums.


Waxy Buildup

Plenty isn’t enough; Year of the Dragon is a yellow-devil hysteria; uncompromised casting makes Compromising Positions click; Volunteers imposes eighties cynicism on sixties idealism.



Texas Monthly Reporter

The villains behind the seat belt law; the shoeshine boys behind the border bird trade; the pastor behind Austin’s chicest church.


On the Menu: Josephine St.

JOSEPHINE STREET CAFE is a classic Texas roadhouse in an era where there are no more roads, just freeways. In fact, the freeway—Highway 281—roars over the patio, but that doesn’t seem to deter the loyal patrons of this popular neighborhood hangout. Nor did the recent collision of a truck with

Wilted Salad

Recipe From Josephine Street CafeThis recipe makes a lot, so plan to use it when you have your next barbecue—and invite a crowd!9 heads of iceberg lettuce 4 cups diced tomatoes 2 1/2 cups sliced olives (ok, go ahead and use the pimiento-stuffed olives) 1/2 cup olive juice (and use




The maddest crowd in town? The incensed citizens at the Dallas Auto Pound who have to shell out for the privilege of reclaiming their towed vehicles.

State Secrets

State Secrets

Rough sailing for the water plan; sore losers at MHMR; a free ride for Mattox; now a word on behalf of ambulance chasing.



Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s—Halley’s Comet!

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