Mexican drug cartels have long targeted TV stations, newspapers, and individual journalists. Now, like everybody else, they’re not making distinctions between the “MSM” and bloggers.

The Houston Chronicle reported that a decapitated body found Wednesday near the Christopher Columbus monument in Nuevo Laredo is purportedly that of “Rascatripas”—which roughly translates to “Belly Scratcher” in Spanish— a contributor to the website Nuevo Laredo En Vivo. The site aims to help keep civilians safe by reporting on (and tweeting about) the locations of cartel violence, trouble spots, and road blocks.

Borderland Beat has more, with the full text of the message found underneath the body. (Warning: There’s also a graphic crime scene photo.)

Hello! I’m Rascatripas and this happened to me for failing to understand that I should not report things on social media websites. I am a ….. [text covered by body] just like La Nena from Laredo….With this last report I bid farewell to Nuevo Laredo en Vivo.. Always remem… Never For…

“La Nena From Laredo,” another beheaded victim from En Vivo, was found at the same spot in late September. The discover of her body came on the heels of two hangings from a pedestrian bridge on September 13. Those victims were identified as “snitches” from another site.

According to Borderland Beat, site administrators at En Vivo say this current victim was not part of their blog, but they recognize the killing is a message to them. As’s Robert Beckenhusen noted, they remain committed to their work:

“Do not be afraid to report,” said Anon4024 at Nuevo Laredo en Vivo earlier today. “This is how we citizens can make a difference in this city.”

The site also reminded its users to be anonymous. On Twitter, the Electric Frontier Foundation’s Eva Galperin said that she hoped En Vivo’s posters would start using Tor, Internet communication software that “anonymizes” users.