Iraq War

Behind the Lines|
June 10, 2013

The Long Return

After more than a decade of combat, Texas soldiers are finally coming back for good. But the real journey home still lies ahead.

Personal Essay|
June 10, 2013

The Call of Battle

I was a soldier who neither loved war nor hated it, but I couldn’t ignore the fierce lure of combat. Six years after I came home from Iraq, I had a successful career, a beautiful wife, and a bright future, but one day I woke up and realized I had

January 20, 2013

Carlos Brown Is a Hero (No Matter What He Says)

My best friend from high school is no longer the uncool, baseball-card-collecting goofball he once was. He’s a Navy surgeon and commander, and for two horrific weeks I got to watch him calmly and bravely save lives in wartime—not just Americans’ and not just soldiers’—in one of the most dangerous

Texas Monthly Talks|
June 30, 2008

Ricardo Sanchez

“Do I blame a single individual? Do I blame the nation for the mistakes we made that led us to Abu Ghraib and the abuses that occurred as a result of the actions we took? Do I blame the military or the Department of Defense for trying to contain this

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