In a video entitled “Holidays at the George W. Bush Presidential Center,” the former President and First Lady wish you and yours happy holidays (not, it’s worth noting for War-On-Christmas foot soldiers, “Merry Christmas”) by sharing how they plan to celebrate at the Center: Specifially, by sending out Christmas cards adorned with Laura’s favorite of W’s paintings, a cardinal that he painted for a friend. 

“Laura liked the bright red on the cardinal, and the greens of the foliage,” explains the former leader of the free world who once declared “Bring ’em on” to those who might threaten our troops overseas. “She chose my painting, for which I’m grateful, to become the Christmas card and ornament.” It’s hard not to be charmed as someone who was once the most powerful man in the entire world appears genuinely humbled by his wife’s decision to share his painting on a Christmas card and ornament. 

“I’m flattered,” he says in conclusion. “And I hope my painting meets expectations.” For what it’s worth, it’s a nice-looking cardinal.