In Texas Monthly’s inaugural issue (forty years ago this month, in February 1973), writer Richard West exhorted “weekend wanderers” to pack up and embrace the three-day vacation. “With a little imagination, planning, and a basic Texas road map,” he wrote, “a very real quality of leisure and excitement can punctuate your work weeks.” 

As a perpetual Texas wanderer, I can attest that there’s nothing like a change of scenery to refresh your perspective. Today’s debut of “the brand-new, completely overhauled” provides not only a welcome change of (digital) scenery but also a renewed call to explore this great state of ours. With forty years’ worth of timeless Texas stories in our (now more searchable) archives, you don’t, of course, have to leave your desk to do this. 

But we hope that you do. Between our dynamic new travel “channel” (where you can find all of our in-depth service features on everything from the most scenic drives to the best new hotels) and this blog, it’s our aim to give you all of the tools and inspiration you need to strike out on your own Texas adventure. Go on, let a little excitement punctuate your work week!