From Chef Jarry Ho of Shinjuku Station, in Fort Worth

Serves 8

For the hummus
1 cup edamame, shucked
3/4 cup chickpeas
2 large garlic cloves
1/4 cup baby spinach
1 tablespoon sesame oil
kosher salt to taste
1/3 cup soy bean oil

Blanch the edamame in boiling water until they float. Shock edamame in ice water. Shuck edamame and set a side. Rinse and drain chickpeas. Place edamame, chickpeas, garlic, spinach, sesame oil, and salt in a food processor and pulse until everything is mixed (about 4 pluses). Scrape the sides of the food processor. Purée the mixture while slowly adding soy bean oil (purée for about 30 seconds).

For the chips
1 large yucca root (you can substitute any store brand root chip, except potato)
Shichimi togarashi to taste

Peel and cut the yucca into 3-inch pieces. Using a mandolin, slice the yucca lengthwise into 1/16-inch planks. Fry at 325 degrees until crispy and golden brown. Dust with shichimi togarashi.

Note: If you substitute store brand chips, sprinkle the shichimi togarashi over the chips after plating.