Texas Monthly sports a brand-new look this month. The thorough resesign includes many reader-friendly changes, which were overseen by deputy editor Evan Smith, art director D. J. Stout, and associate art director Nancy McMillen. Around the State, for example was reorganized by city instead of subject, and State Fare was melded into the Restaurant Guide. Most notably, the Reporter section—formerly State Wide—was moved to the front of the magazine and extensively overhauled. Stout characterizes the chatty gazette—which emphasizes music, movies, books, and more—as “a magazine within a magazine”; he used crisp type, clean layouts, and sophisticated colors to “reflect the new editorial intent in a form that is readable and fun.” As Smith says, “Change is a natural happening. It’s like capping your teeth or acquiring a whole new wardrobe. We’re still Texas Monthly; we’re just freshening our appearance.”