I have to admire the Tribune‘s Ross Ramsey. If you have to adopt a cause, you might as well make it a hopeless one. In Ramsey’s case, it’s ethics reform. I’m going to make a small suggestion that might spur the Ethics Commission to action. Two high-profile cases involving judges on the state’s two highest courts have gone unresolved for years. One is a $29,000 fine levied against Texas Supreme Court Judge Nathan Hecht. His violation was his failure to report discounted legal fees as a political contribution. The other involved Court of Criminal Appeals judge Sharon Keller, who received a record $100,000 fine for failing to disclose certain personal assets. Hecht’s case has lingered since 2008, Keller’s since 2010. It seems to me that the Ethics Commission could establish deadlines for deadbeats to pay up, and if they did not do so, additional fines could be imposed. This seems like an easy fix. Any takers?