This comes from Marc Campos’s political blog. He is a Houston political consultant. For readers who are unfamiliar with Houston geography, Kingwood, Clear Lake, Wst Gray, and Tracy Gee are in areas that would be considered strong Republican territory. In 2008, Kingwood was 3.9% of the total (678,312 in person) Early Vote for Harris County. Through yesterday they were 5.1% (of 79,678). In 2008, Clear Lake was 3.3% of total county Early Vote. Through yesterday, they were 5.3%. In 2008, West Gray was 5.3% of total county Early Vote. Through yesterday they were 6.7%. In 2008, Tracy Gee was 3.1% of total county Early Vote. Through yesterday they were 3.5% The remaining areas would be considered Democratic territory. In 2008, Acres Home was 3.6% of total county Early Vote. Through yesterday they were 2.3%. In 2008, Palm Center was 2.3% of total county Early Vote. Through yesterday they were 1.9%. In 2008, Ripley was 1% of total county Early Vote. Through yesterday they were .8%. In 2008, Moody Park was 1.6% of total county Early Vote. Through yesterday they were 1.2%. In 2008, HCC was 1.5% of total county Early Vote. Through yesterday they were .9%. In 2008, 126-C was 4.6% of total county Early Vote. Through yesterday they were 5.2%. In 2008, Ponderosa was 3.1% of total county Early Vote. Through yesterday they were 2.7%. It is clear that Republican areas are outperforming 2008 levels. In other words, more Republicans are turning out in a gubernatorial year than turned out in a presidential year. Unless a lot of these Republicans are voting for White, this is a Democratic disaster.