The departure of Rob Johnson to join the nascent Gingrich for president campaign is a certain indicator that Rick Perry is not running for president. Perry never made it to the starting line. His name rarely appeared in early polling. When it did appear, as in the Tea Party convention in Phoenix, he barely topped 1 percent. As they say, when one door closes, another opens, and Johnson’s presence in the Gingrich camp — he is expected to become the campaign manager — raises the possibility of a ticket. I have written previously that Perry is the ideal vice-presidential candidate with one exception: He might become president. The role of a vice-presidential nominee is to be a partisan attack dog and a cheerleader, and Perry is perfectly suited to both roles. I have no doubt that Perry is looking for a way to get on the national ticket, but he didn’t choose well in 2008. Rudy Giuliani never got out of the starting gate. The trouble with Gingrich is (a) too cerebral (b) lacks personal warmth (c) failed when he had his chance as Speaker of the House in the mid-nineties (d) checkered personal history. Not going to make it.