Mississippi Santorum 33% Gingrich 31.53% Romney 30.04% You could throw a blanket over the three contenders. (Paul won 9%). This is an inconclusive result. Santorum held serve, Gingrich missed an opportunity, and Romney got what he wanted, a number that began with a “3.” Alabama CNN is calling the race for Santorum. Same song, second verse: Santorum 33% Romney 30% Gingrich 29% Just as in Mississippi, the results in Alabama do little to clarify the GOP race. Newt barely trails Romney in AL at this point, so it is too early to hang black crepe and label him the night’s big loser. If Romney edges him out for second, though, that is very bad for Gingrich. Santorum wins again, but proportionality shrinks his lead in delegates. Romney got his number that started with a “3.” Finishing second in what is essentially a road game for Romney would be a good showing. The more nights there are like this one, the more talk we are going to hear about a brokered convention.