Just in: the latest Survey USA poll on the approval rating of all governors. It is not good news for Rick Perry. Since the last poll on August 6, Perry’s approval rating has declined from 52% to 43%, while his disapproval rate has done exactly the reverse–climb from 43% to 52%. He is tied for the ninth worst approval ranking amoung the 50 governors.

It is hard to assign a reason for the decline. August is a political doldrums during which very little happens. The Perry campaign has effectively pummelled Carole Keeton Strayhorn for taking large contributions from Ryan & Co., which represents taxpayers seeking refunds from the State Comptroller’s Office. Maybe these numbers are a sign of growing Republican discontent with the war in Iraq. Most dangerous for the governor would be the possibility that after almost six years in office, he may be facing an electorate that is suffering from Perry fatigue. Even if that is true, none of Perry’s challengers has yet shown the ability to take advantage of it.