This post has been revised. The information that Richard Green had posted on facebook came from a source with the Kuempel campaign who I know personally. Subsequently, I received a call from a friend who followed the race. He said that Green Senior’s post was several weeks old and had been posted BEFORE a fundraiser for John Kuempel at the Austin Club. This is how Mr. Green’s post read, according to the original e-mail: Note to all conservatives: John Kuempel was the only candidate out of 7 that said he would vote for Straus for Speaker last night in Wilson County. Why not, he is being bought tomorrow at the Austin Club in Austin by the lobbyist from 11:00 to 1:00. Go by and stuff a check in his pocket, he might vote your way. Then I added the following, after the final tally was in, resulting in a decisive victory for Kuempel: Conservatives led by the younger Green’s employer, David Barton, were supporting former SREC member Myrna McLeroy. It was wasted effort. This race was over when John Kuempel paid his filing fee. Final returns: John Kuempe; 7,245 Gary Inmon 1,123 Myrna McLeroy 1,022 (7 other candidates) I am sorry for the confusion but I posted what was sent to me, and apparently the link to facebook was out of date. I have also discussed this in the comments section. * * * * The race itself is worth a brief discussion. 1. This race was not a good proxy fight for the speakers race, because John Kuempel was destined to win, due to the popularity of his late father. 2. Nevertheless, the race offered a clear-cut choice for speaker. Kuempel was for Straus and never wavered. The anti-Straus forces, as I wrote above, backed former SREC member Myrna McLeRoy. She finished third, more than 6,000 votes behind Kuempel. I think it was a mistake for the anti-Straus camp to contest the race. You don’t have to have an encyclopedic knowledge of Texas politics to know that Edmund Kuempel’s son was going to win this race. 3. So the anti-Straus forces turned a race that didn’t mean much more than a tribute to Edmund Kuempel into a race that meant something — a test vote on whether the grass roots could be mobilized in a speakers race. The answer was, they could not. The Paxton support team wound up looking like losers when they could, and should have avoided the confrontation.