Meanwhile, in Texas

In Meanwhile, in Texas, we explore the genuine weirdness that our fellow Texans often engage in.
Meanwhile, in Texas|
January 1, 1996

Year of the Snake

At First the Count Was Ten U.S. Customs Service agents in Eagle Pass searched the driver and the passenger of a pickup and found eight live snakes wrapped in socks and pantyhose inside the two men’s underwear. Pass the Boysenberry Syrup or Start Saying Your Prayers Charles Bryant of Missouri

Meanwhile, in Texas|
April 30, 1974

Low Talk

Ben Barnes’ decision to reenter politics is not a question of whether to, but of which party. Fort Worth attorney and Barnes’ closest friend Dee J. Kelly, says of the top vote-getter in Texas: “it is not a question of running again, but of which party to run in. He’s

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