Rachel Monroe began contributing to Texas Monthly in 2013 and has written about school shootings, quilting scandals, and biohackers. She is a contributing writer at the New Yorker and the author of Savage Appetites: Four True Stories of Women, Crime, and Obsession. She lives in Marfa, Texas.

10 Articles

November 23, 2016

Crossed Stitches

Beverly Pennington was a Pinterest-perfect entrepreneur whose patchwork quilts—made from people’s most treasured T-shirts—found thousands of devotees all over the country. But when the quilts stopped coming, leaving the shirts in limbo, her customers pieced together a plan to fight back.

Food & Drink|
July 22, 2014

The Brews of Big Bend

West Texas isn't the first place you'd think of in association with craft beer, but the Big Bend Brewing Company, established nearly two years ago in Alpine, found that the demand far exceeded even its optimistic expectations.

Politics & Policy|
November 25, 2013

Alpine to A&M: Don’t Drone On Me

After a packed public hearing last week, Alpine's City Council unanimously voted to reject A&M's proposal to launch drones from Alpine's municipal airport. Alpine's triumph, however, is more symbolic than anything else. Unmanned aircraft will still fly over the Big Bend region.

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