To those of you who were anxiously awaiting on a new seasonal recipe on Monday, I do apologize. My kitchen has been getting the short end of the stir stick in the last couple of weeks; its most dubious task of late has been keeping the can opener in plain view for can after can of black beans (that and having the corkscrew available, lest the late-night wedding planning calls for another glass of wine). Let me explain. As my best friend’s wedding and my own wedding both (very quickly) approach, within a month of one another, I’ve been hard-pressed to find the time to cook up fresh new recipes to share with you. I know. It seemed like a good idea at the time. But stay tuned! In a few short weeks (and believe me, they will be short), I’ll be back in the kitchen with some fall-inspired recipes to share with you. First up? A spiced squash bread that will have you all crankin’ up the oven to 425 and heralding in an almost-arrived autumn, even if it’s still 90 degrees outside. And in the meantime, if you’d like a specific seasonal ingredient featured here on Eat My Words, be sure to let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to feature it in an upcoming recipe.