While the national and Texas press continued analyzing former presidential candidate Rick Perry’s past and future last week, the governor himself did one of the things that he does best—ignore his critics and retreat to the familar tough-guy brand his base still loves and the media (including Gawker, the Atlantic Wire, and, well, now . . . us) just can’t resist.

Here’s one way to a win a debate without having to do any of that pesky talking:

As Kate Shelnutt of the Houston Chronicle notes, “the recent shots would go nicely with a Buzzfeed photo gallery of Rick Perry with Increasingly Larger Weapons, picturing Perry posing with various guns.” 

Even without Buzzfeed buzz, it’s no secret Perry likes to wind down at the gun range. In a Perry 2012 campaign video released in late September, “What to do on a day off,” even his beloved dogs take a back seat to a visit to LaRue Tactical.

“This is my golf,” Perry says of firing sniper rifles. “I’m still trying to get a hole-in-one.”

And it appears the governor was continuing to take advantage of his free time on Saturday: