Ghost Stories

Being Texan|
October 21, 2015

G-G-Ghost Stories

All Hallows Eve, which descends from the grand Celtic festival of the dead, was stirring up a cauldron of super­natural activity long before kids started donning costumes to harvest candy from the neighbors. But, alas, for some time, Halloween and the belief in spirits of the departed have

May 31, 2006

The Truth Is Out There

Spoiler alert: The mythic Marfa lights may not be real. But there’s no way to know for sure, and that’s why they’re cool.

True Crime|
February 1, 2006

A Kiss Before Dying

Forty-five years after Betty Williams was shot to death by the handsome football player she had been secretly seeing, her murder haunts her Odessa high school—literally.

December 1, 2000

Seeing the Light

An old cemetery. A deserted crossroads. A ghostly reflection—or a figment of our imagination? On the trail of a West Texas mystery.

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