
January 21, 2013

How ’Bout Them Cowboys?!

The ones at, that is. A URL the Dallas Cowboys failed to buy is now a "an online dating community for men who enjoy the same country living lifestyle."

News & Politics|
April 1, 1998

Snoop Dreams

We all know how great the World Wide Web is for snooping: In a few minutes online you learn Hollywood’s secrets from Harry Knowles’ site or get the latest dirt on the president from Matt Drudge. But did you ever consider that people could be looking over your shoulder when

April 1, 1997

Patrick Curry, Luis Borromeo, and Richard Worley

In the youth-oriented world of Web page designers, calling someone young is really saying something—but these guys are young. Before any of them is old enough to drink, in fact, the cyberwunderkinder who run two-year-old Zero Factor Interactive (ZFI) have garnered an impressive roster of clients, including Who bassist John

Arts & Entertainment|
February 1, 1996

Show Us Your Bits

The Internet gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “getting wired for Mardi Gras”—there are several helpful sites covering New Orleans’ bacchanalian Carnival, which ends with Fat Tuesday on February 20. One of the most festive and informative is the city’s official page ( mardigr/default.html), which offers traditional music

Food & Drink|
January 1, 1996

Virtual Vittles

From chili to chiles, there’s a heaping helping of Texas food on the Internet, including cookoff schedules, mail-order info, recipes, and restaurant reviews. Dig in.

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