The people in love with old roses are often as interesting as the roses themselves. They can help with identification, propagation, and locating small, specialty nurseries in your area that sell old roses.

DALLAS AREA HISTORICAL ROSE GROUP, P. O. Box 38585, Dallas 75238. For $15 a year, you get ten issues of The Yellow Rose and an invite to the monthly meetings.

HERITAGE ROSE FOUNDATION, Charles Walker, president; 1512 Gorman Street, Raleigh, NC 27606 (919-834-2591). A $10 membership includes the quarterly Heritage Rose Foundation News. The group’s national annual conference will be held this year in Dallas from April 23 to 26, featuring tours of area gardens and a variety of speakers on garden topics.

HERITAGE ROSES GROUP, South-Central States, Conrad Tips, regional director; 1007 Highland Avenue, Houston 77009. Founded in 1975. Annual membership dues of $6 snag you a quarterly national newsletter supplemented by regional rosy gossip from the chatty pen of Mr. Tips.

TEXAS ROSE RUSTLERS, Lucille Idom, treasurer; 13106 Blythe, Houston 77015. For $7 a year you get a quarterly newsletter, The Old Texas Rose, and admittance to the annual Rose Rustle cutting exchange in the fall and the annual symposium on old roses in the spring.