Earlier today the Republican candidates for lieutenant governor–David Dewhurst, the incumbent, and Dan Patrick, the state senator who placed first in the primary in March–met for a roundtable debate at WFAA in Dallas

I didn’t watch it, and I’m not going to be able to do so when it’s broadcast this evening. So this seems like a good opportunity to try something many of you suggested in the comments to the previous post: that you’d like to see some short posts interspersed with the longer posts here on BurkaBlog, so you can discuss the news of the day even where we’re working on something else. Thanks to all of you who offered your thoughts on that, by the way–I’m working on a couple of pieces for the print edition today, but I’ll look forward to reading your comments later. 

So have at it! And for those who weren’t able to watch either, the Statesman is aggregating tweets from journalists who were covering the debate. Considering that one of them described it as “anarchy,” I’d say it was a lively one.