
Behind the Lines|
June 10, 2013

The Long Return

After more than a decade of combat, Texas soldiers are finally coming back for good. But the real journey home still lies ahead.

Politics & Policy|
January 20, 2013

You’re Rick Noriega. Do You Approve This Message?

Since the Republicans took over Texas, every plausible Democratic candidate for high statewide office has been the subject of an obligatory profile in Texas Monthly. Here’s yours—only it’s a bit different. It’s a memo containing loads of free advice—the kind you can afford—on how you can beat John Cornyn.

Politics & Policy|
January 20, 2013

The Outsider

In the post-Washington game, former attorney general Alberto Gonzales has fared worse than any other member of the Bush administration. Why?

Letter from San Antonio|
October 31, 2011

Dogs of War

Why did the world’s most high-tech military bring along a dog when it raided Osama bin Laden’s compound? A visit to Lackland Air Force Base’s canine training school, in San Antonio, provides a few answers.

Politics & Policy|
January 20, 2009

Holding Garmsir

Fighting the Taliban, the 130-degree heat, the boredom, the homesickness, and the weight of history with the Marines of Mustang Platoon in Afghanistan.

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