
May 24, 2017

Wave Goodbye

For decades, Matagorda Bay has been a favorite spot for Texas surfers. The response to a recent spate of drownings might put an end to that.

Film & TV|
September 30, 2008


Yes, yes, new baby and new movie—but what Matthew McConaughey really wants to talk about is the cushion of the flip-flop, the skooching of hoodie sleeves, the proper thickness of koozies, and his coming career as the arbiter of redneck-Buddha chic.

July 31, 1996

How to Ride a Wave

The surf in Texas may not be the biggest, but it was an early training ground for 43-year-old surfing legend Ken Bradshaw, who has spent his life riding waves as tall as buildings. Bradshaw, a native of Houston, first paddled out at age twelve on a family trip to Surfside,

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