
State Secrets|
January 1, 1982

State Secrets

Poor Bunker Hunt; hogging the airwaves; why the establishment likes Hightower; worries in the Hobby camp.

State Secrets|
December 1, 1981

State Secrets

Dreaming Democrats; juicy news about the News; shake-ups brewing in UT; whey Reagan can’t decontrol gas.

State Secrets|
September 30, 1981

State Secrets

Muse’s shaky takeoff; Mark White on the sport; Bob Bullock’s special grace; aging Texas money.

State Secrets|
August 31, 1981

State Secrets

What the future holds for artificial hearts, utility customers, Phil Gramm, and the Republican party.

State Secrets|
July 31, 1981

State Secrets

Bombs away on the Franklin Mountains; why pro-nukes belong in the Nutt House; the Dallas News goes public; sportfishermen change their minds about redfish.

State Secrets|
June 30, 1981

State Secrets

A deal that failed; macho political ads, the unhappiest man in Texas; a big time legal goof.

State Secrets|
May 31, 1981

State Secrets

Farmers and oilmen fight over water; a Houston gold rush for TV licenses; houses multiply faster than people; security for brokers.

State Secrets|
April 30, 1981

State Secrets

Fines for political signs; big changes in the Valley; UT bursting at the seams; the failure of consultants; Arlington, an unlikely newspaper town.

State Secrets|
April 1, 1981

State Secrets

Cutting up in the Big Thicket Association; uranium mines get the shaft; the Light at the end of the tunnel; how to make Yankees pay for our oil.

State Secrets|
March 1, 1981

State Secrets

Sex in the classifieds; looking out for farmer’s welfare; everybody wants to be land commissioner; what ever happened to the tax revolt?

Roar of the Crowd|
March 1, 1981

Roar of the Crowd

Aggies are more than the corps, fashion is more than couture, teaching is mostly a chore.

State Secrets|
February 1, 1981

State Secrets

Roughhouse on the Red River; the inside skinny on who’s In and Out; the Census Bureau giveth and the Census Bureau taketh away; circulatory ailments for Dallas newspapers; the last warpath.

State Secrets|
January 1, 1981

State Secrets

Discount medicine needles doctors; open season on Democrats; meanwhile, back at Southfork; Dallas blacks are fed up—with busing.

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