1990 – Page 5 of 5

State Secrets|
January 1, 1990

State Secrets

The right angle for striking oil; making book on the Bush library; a roving eye for GOP money; reining in rogue cops.

Roar of the Crowd|
January 1, 1990

Roar of the Crowd

Discovering the hero in every person; getting off the ground without ever leaving the airport; paying our respects to an ancient tree.

January 1, 1990


Bonfire-crazed yell leaders Keving Fitzgerald and Brant Ince foresee defeat for fire’s foes.

Bum Steers|
January 1, 1990

The 1990 Bum Steer Awards

A year of antagonistic attorneys, beleaguered Bushes, costumed cacti, dead dogs, espied Elvises, falling Fledermause, garbled grapes, hemline histrionics, imprudent impeachings, journalistic judges, kinky kindling, legislative largesse, mock McMurtrys, novelist’s nooks, overrated Odessas, phantom pharaohs, qualified quail, Ruby’s revolvers, spurious spies, tardy transcribers, U-charistic Uthanasians, vandalized vans, weird wieners, X-onerated

January 1, 1990

Going By the Book

When his luck ran out, A.W. Gray ended up behind bars. Now he’s on a winning streak as a crime novelist.

January 1, 1990

A Child’s Garden of Texas

The young—and even the not-so-young-can travel back through the state’s glorious past simply by opening up any one of these fourteen children’s classics.

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