
Texas Monthly

3364 Articles

April 30, 1978

Texas Monthly Review

Andy Warhol soups up the superstars; dancers do the towns; Beverly Sills still casts a spell; ladybug found with strange bedfellows; and folk music isn’t dead, it’s just in Houston.

April 1, 1978

Texas Monthly Reporter

On the road with Dolph and John; a fatal case of mistaken identity; butterflies on the rocks; Metroplex blood sport; and polled Herefords, polled Herefords, polled Herefords everywhere.

March 1, 1978

Texas Monthly Review

The best of Weegee is yet to come, alas; DCO season goes out with a bang; more from two Texas-bred rock ‘n’ roll successes; and an electronic opera makes a good birthday present.

March 1, 1978

Texas Monthly Reporter

Vying for Barbara Jordan’s job, Enchanted Rock on the block, peddling pollution, and don’t the Super Drum beat all?

February 1, 1978

Texas Monthly Review

Vanity thy name is a theatrical success; Tom Taylor conjures the real Woody Guthrie; Dallas Civic Opera misses again, and then again; Mel Brooks has another winner; contemporary photographers send a cold message.

Roar of the Crowd|
January 1, 1978

Roar of the Crowd

Last words on the West, the remains of the defenders of the Alamo, and Larry McMurtry’s sagging shelf.

January 1, 1978

Texas Monthly Review

Royal women reign in Houston; Spanish artist eats dough; new novel for the operating table; more UFOs from Hollywood; wanted: a conductor for the San Antonio Symphony.

January 1, 1978

Texas Monthly Reporter

Larry Flynt hears the call; everyone hears Bob Bullock; McConn job in Houston; ghost in the newsroom; and cotton on the dinner table.

December 1, 1977


Three patchwork quilts, two wine shops, and a pinata in a pear tree.

December 1, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

Disco sounds you can live with; two new books from the trenches of Viet Nam; taking a swing at Alexander Calder; the Van Cilburn winner's circle; move over Austin, C&W reigns elsewhere.

November 1, 1977


Some spicy meat rolls, a three-cornered hat, and a little pillow talk.

Roar of the Crowd|
November 1, 1977

Roar of the Crowd

Readers choose up sides on issues of Houston cops, gas derregulation and raising kids.

November 1, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

The case of the missing ear; a musical World Series with plenty of winners; and a big book with a small chance for success.

September 30, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

A North Texas summer of song and dance; Tarzan discovered in the jungles of Fort Worth; the Musical Brownies reappear; little boxes made of ticky-tacky; and finally more money for the arts.

September 30, 1977

Texas Monthly Reporter

Gas gushes in Maverick County; Priscilla blushes in Amarillo; Secret Service busts matchbooks; and a blizzard nearly busts Neiman’s.

August 31, 1977


A far far eastern trip; a place in the country; one hundred ivory-ticklers.

August 31, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

Good news/ bad news about Shakespeare; Doug Sahm controls his destiny; San Antonio gets jazzed up while Dallas goes crazy for pops; Texas poets in and out of their elements.

August 31, 1977

Texas Monthly Reporter

Willie movin’ on; Erhard moving in; Hofheinz cleared; Gloria hacked; brown pelicans perking up; Chileans kicking off.

July 31, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

Horses at the Theater Center; autos at the CAM; opera in the park; sweet music in the rough roadhouses; and the man of a thousand dances.

July 31, 1977

Texas Monthly Reporter

The hottest political rumor in Houston (also the hottest divorce); what West Texans do for fun; death in a Sierra Blanca jail; why El Pasoans are so laid back.

June 30, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

War in the stars; keeping up with Jones; beating old literary horses; acid rock returns; and balletÌ­s small step.

June 30, 1977

Texas Monthly Reporter

Chicken Ranch revived (would we kid you?); Blood and Money draws blood and—money; Laredo bank takes on world’s largest bank; Dallas’­ $65 million religious shrine.

May 31, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

Altman’s women; novelist leaves home; playwright comes home; art looks for home; jazzy TSU; and one odd concerto.

Texas History|
April 30, 1977

The Other Texas

Rio Grande City Michael Patrick Houston Suzanne Paul Austin Harry Boyd Rosenberg Joe Baraban Ingram Harry Boyd Hillsboro Nicolas Russell Martindale

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