If I’ve learned one thing in 36 years of writing about food, it’s that everybody’s a critic—and Texans, being naturally ornery, are more opinionated than most. So when we here at the magazine decided to do our April cover story on the topic “Cook Like a Texan,” we spent a lot of time arguing about which iconic dishes to feature. We can probably all agree that brisket, ribeyes, and chicken-fried steak deserve to be at the top of the list. But after that, it gets dicey. Many other dishes have a cherished place in our culinary landscape, but what exactly are they? We chose enchiladas, dove, and Tom Perini’s unbelievable fried chicken, among other things. But should we have put in fajitas? King Ranch casserole? Squirrel nuggets? (Just kidding about that one.) Well, we have had our say. Now we hand the torch to you, fair readers. Today is the first day that our cover story is available to anyone who visits texasmonthly.com (before today, access was limited to subscribers). We hereby solicit your considered opinions. What should have been included? What should not have been on the list? What are your personal favorite Texas dishes (with recipes, if you feel like sharing)? Go to the Comments section below and tell us, and everybody, what you think. And keep visiting Eat My Words all week for more “Cook Like a Texan” posts.