“Fred,” (Freddy Krueger?) a monstrous 10-foot long, 4-foot tall armadillo was spotted on Halloween night at the Armadillo Palace and attracted swarms of onlookers. The critter was made with 300 hundred pounds of powdered sugar, 250 blocks of cream cheese, 250 blocks of butter, and 472 red velvet sheet cakes covered with 300 pounds of chocolate and vanilla fondant. Only a pioneering Texas cake artist would attempt the elaborate task of creating the largest Red Velvet cake supposedly on record—and in the shape of an armadillo, to boot. “Goode Company and I had been plotting a benefit for the Houston Food Bank for years,” said cake artist Lisa Green of Santa Fe Catering and Kiss the Cook Cakes. The venerable 50-foot armor-plated armadillo mascot towering the roof of the Armadillo Palace inspired the giant cake, plus, Green added, it fit the mood for Halloween due to “the hideous nature of armadillos.” She’s never attempted a cake so large that it required two days to construct and needed a site as cavernous as the Armadillo Palace for building. But no sweat: Green is known for creating life-size canoes and small helicopter cakes. Turns out, the completely edible cake with glowing red eyes, Texas longhorns, and silver fondant “scales” tasted scary good, even moist, despite its rad size and Red Velvet cake “blood.” Eck. Supporters crowded in to witness history (and for a free piece of cake) in exchange for a canned food donation to the Houston Food Bank. A treat big enough to serve 5,000? I’d call that a Goode cake for a good cause. Look for “Fred” in the Guinness Book of World Records.