1981 – Page 3 of 4

May 31, 1981

Shades of Gray

Thomas Thompson won his Blood and Money libel suit, but the trial left one question unanswered: how much of his imagination is a nonfiction writer allowed to use?

May 31, 1981

Blood Buff

The Fan is the story of a man whose adoration for an actress turns to hate, and the movie turns your stomach. Alan Alda takes a studiously liberated look at divorce among old married couples in The Four Seasons. Take This Job and Shove It is another workingman’s-hero movie; so

May 31, 1981

Lock ‘Em Up

Mandatory sentencing means every felon gets the same sentence for the same crime - and for the rest of us it means a lot of crimes that won’t happen.

Classical Music|
May 31, 1981

Mozart Is As Mozart Was

Conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are two centuries apart, but their ideas about music are exactly the same.

May 31, 1981

The Eve of Destruction

The millennium is nigh, according to some evangelists, and when Jesus returns, Texans will experience either rapture or hell and high water.

State Secrets|
April 30, 1981

State Secrets

Fines for political signs; big changes in the Valley; UT bursting at the seams; the failure of consultants; Arlington, an unlikely newspaper town.

April 30, 1981


Studying the hard truths of Dallas politics; learning the ropes as a commercial driver; teaching kids to think; remembering the lessons of the oil patch.

April 30, 1981

The Lion Sleeps

Lion in the Desert is like a breath of hot air. In Death Hunt, the Mounties take forever to get their man. Nighthawks never takes flight. In The Last Metro, Truffaut’s film about wartime Paris, he plays it a little too safe. The Postman Always Rings Twice doesn’t ring true.

Dining Out|
April 30, 1981

A Good Catch

Schrenkeisens’ is so elegant you’ll think you’re in the big city, but the fish is so fresh you know you’re on the coast. Ninfa’s runs thirteen Mexican restaurants across Texas, and amazingly, they can all cook.

April 30, 1981

Buddha In Boots

A chant-happy Buddhist sect puts on a dazzling pageant in praise of the Texas cowboy. Pastor Barry Bailey lives up to his reputation as a bulwark of Fort Worth Methodism.

State Secrets|
April 1, 1981

State Secrets

Cutting up in the Big Thicket Association; uranium mines get the shaft; the Light at the end of the tunnel; how to make Yankees pay for our oil.

April 1, 1981

Magnificent Deception

In Eyewitness things are never what the seem; Roman Polanskifailed to take a novel approach to Tess; a heroine of Cattle Annie and Little Britches keeps the movie from fading into the sunset; the producers of The Dogs of War should have let sleeping dogs lie; American Pop is kitsch

Dining Out|
April 1, 1981

Miracle on Main Street

Le Select gives Houston fine French cooking in simple surrounds and at unbeatable prices; Hedary’s, a Lebanese outpost in Fort Worth, offers adventurous Cowtowners some exotic alternatives to beef.

April 1, 1981

Little Big Museum

While other U.S. museums sought Rembrandts and Cészannes, Fort Worth’s maverick Amon Carter Museum collected an astound assortment of paintings and photographs of the American West.

Travel & Outdoors|
March 1, 1981

Going Under

For a man and his daughter out for a pleasant day’s fishing, the first sign of danger was a man’s hat floating silently down the stream.

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