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August 1, 1978

Labor Pains

Second-generation refinery workers don’t believe in politicians or corporations and some of them don’t believe in unions. The question is, do they believe in strikes?

True Crime|
July 31, 1978

Death of a Ranger

Bob Doherty was a Texas ranger who believed in the myth of the Old West; Greg Ott was a college dope dealer, a child of the sixties. When they met, it destroyed both their lives.

Country Notes|
July 31, 1978

The Loser

When another farmer goes broke his neighbors thank God it wasn’t them; then they wonder when their turn is coming.

Being Texan|
July 1, 1978

Brave New Vacancies

Give us your tired and freezing Yankees, your studious Arabs, your ambitious young hustlers just blown into town, and we will rent them one bedroom and a bath for $215.

Being Texan|
April 1, 1978

The Petrified Forest

Behind the pine curtain of deep East Texas is a world trapped in the past and hidden from the future: lush woods, poor whites, the descendants of slaves, and an aristocracy still breathing the rarefied air of the Old South.

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