
July 31, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

Horses at the Theater Center; autos at the CAM; opera in the park; sweet music in the rough roadhouses; and the man of a thousand dances.

July 31, 1977

Texas Monthly Reporter

The hottest political rumor in Houston (also the hottest divorce); what West Texans do for fun; death in a Sierra Blanca jail; why El Pasoans are so laid back.

June 30, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

War in the stars; keeping up with Jones; beating old literary horses; acid rock returns; and balletÌ­s small step.

June 30, 1977

Texas Monthly Reporter

Chicken Ranch revived (would we kid you?); Blood and Money draws blood and—money; Laredo bank takes on world’s largest bank; Dallas’­ $65 million religious shrine.

May 31, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

Altman’s women; novelist leaves home; playwright comes home; art looks for home; jazzy TSU; and one odd concerto.

Country Notes|
April 1, 1977

Good as Gold

For most treasure hunters, the hunt is more important than the treasure.

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