
June 30, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

War in the stars; keeping up with Jones; beating old literary horses; acid rock returns; and balletÌ­s small step.

June 30, 1977

Texas Monthly Reporter

Chicken Ranch revived (would we kid you?); Blood and Money draws blood and—money; Laredo bank takes on world’s largest bank; Dallas’­ $65 million religious shrine.

May 31, 1977

Texas Monthly Review

Altman’s women; novelist leaves home; playwright comes home; art looks for home; jazzy TSU; and one odd concerto.

Country Notes|
April 1, 1977

Good as Gold

For most treasure hunters, the hunt is more important than the treasure.

April 1, 1977

Right On

In their hearts, these conservative writers knew they were right. Now the rest of us know it too.

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