
June 30, 1976

Yes Men

Sound mind, sound body is an old maxim but a new approach to cancer treatment.

June 30, 1976

Buffaloed Bill

Hollywood techniques may have worked for the Wild West shows, but we expected more from Robert Altman.

Dining In|
May 31, 1976

Cold Feat

When we say these recipes aren’t so hot, we don’t mean what you think.

April 30, 1976

After the Fall

Two not-so-mild-mannered reporters fight for truth, justice, and the American way—and win.

April 1, 1976

Role Call

In which our author discovers that paternity suits him.

April 1, 1976

Gassing Game

Something you can’t see, hear, smell, taste, or touch could turn you a tidy profit—if you play your cards right.

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