1995 – Page 5 of 5

February 1, 1995

Precious Cargo

Kids shouldn’t be allowed to ride in the back of pickups. Soon—thanks to Lubbock’s Karen Slay-they won’t.

February 1, 1995

Crossing the Bar

There ought to be a law against the Texas bar exam. It’s irrelevant, illogical and just plain nutty.

February 1, 1995


In heavyweight boxing—and in the glare of media lights—it helps to be larger than life. Ask George Foreman, 1994’s comeback kid.

True Crime|
January 1, 1995

Breaking the Bank

Gambling became a way of life for young Josh Levine. When he got in too deep, he came to believe that only a holdup could get him out.

January 1, 1995

Is MCC Obsolete?

Twelve years and hundreds of millions of dollars later, the vaunted Austin high-tech consortium is still struggling to find its purpose.

January 1, 1995

Texas Crude

A Dallas animation team creates caroons that would make even Beavis and Butt-head blush.

January 1, 1995

Straight Arrow

The new Ways and Means chairman, Bill Archer, takes aim at the federal budget.

January 1, 1995

Brush With Fame

As a curator and in his own work as a painter, Jerry Bywaters left a lasting legacy of Texas art.

Bum Steers|
January 1, 1995

The 1995 Bum Steer Awards

A year of amorous angels, bra buzzers, camouflaged Claytie, denied Davidians, escaped evangelists, faulty flags, gainful gangs, hefty hypnosis, inmate inedibles, jumbo jock-straps, kaput killdeers, lunching Lassie, mercurial mushrooms, nabbed ninjas, overhyped O.J., pumpkin purloiners, questionable quizzes, rap ruffians, sexy sprinters, tack taxis, unappreciated universities, videotaped villains, wayward Willie, X-sposing

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