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State Secrets|
January 1, 1985

State Secrets

To oilmen, intangible means untouchable; to UT, untouchable means Fred Akers; a legal courtship sinks; a billboard solution may float.

January 1, 1985

Texas Monthly Reporter

Law and order in Colorado City; winning and losing with the Dallas Diamonds; bargains and hassles on People Express; broiling and sweating in pursuit of mesquite chic.

January 1, 1985

Star Dreck

2010: a space travesty; Dune gets mired in pomp and slime; A Soldier’s Story is a murder mystery with soul; even Streep and De Niro can’t save Falling in Love; The Brother from Another Planet is woozily morose.

Parks & Recs|
January 1, 1985

A Grand Canyon

In 1541 Coronado and his troops stumbled upon a huge canyon in the midst of grassy plains and gazed upon it with awe. Journeying down into Palo Duro Canyon on mules 443 years later, I began to understand why.

Bum Steers|
January 1, 1985

1985 Bum Steer Awards

A year of arousing art, bumbling bush, coerced canines, deranged Dallas, eureka! Eureste, freeway fantasy, groping Germans, hurtling helicopters, idiotic Irving, and jocose jelly beans.

January 1, 1985

Mexico Refried

A book on Mexico by New York Times correspondent Alan Riding is a little more than a rehash of recent history.

January 1, 1985

Strident Whimsy

Arquitectonica is trying to sell Texans on gimmicky forms, bright colors, and high-tech materials in the name of avant-garde.

State Secrets|
December 1, 1984

State Secrets

A new law takes the driving out of DWI; a new battle brews on the Texas Supreme Court; Exxon gets rid of an old burden; so does Clinton Manges.

December 1, 1984

Texas Monthly Reporter

Kung’s underground hideaway; Dallas’ Cadillac wars; the Panhandle’s art terrorists; Houston’s poet-laureate; Austin’s airport quandary.

December 1, 1984

Double Trouble

Body Double settles for facile thrills; Comfort and Joy offers moments of magical bliss; The Little Drummer Girl is off-pitch.

December 1, 1984

Too Cool to Get Married

If marriage means commitment and trust, that’s fine. If it means never dancing in front of a Billy Idol video again, that’s no so fine.

December 1, 1984

Peddling Paranoia

Selling crime self-help devices has become a booming business. But do any of these gadgets really make us safer?

December 1, 1984

Beyond Kitsch

Frederick Barthelme’s first novel, Second Marriage, is a wondrous tale of love and absurdity set in the Gulf Coast suburbs.

State Secrets|
November 1, 1984

State Secrets

No joy in Cubville; deregulation is a gas; two airline wars—one cold, one hot; are the politicians back in control at UT?

November 1, 1984

Downer on the Farm

Country and Places in the Heart both heap on down-home moral uplift; Stop Making Sense is a joyous rockumentary; Amadeus spouts dingdong conceits.

November 1, 1984

4 BR, 2 BA, Needs Work

Why did I trade in my trouble-free condo for an aging country home with decrepit plumbing? I’m trying to figure that out myself.

November 1, 1984

Teagarden of Delights

Tribute to Teagarden captures the fullness and humanity of the late Texas trombonist’s art; plus a roundup of recent jazz releases.

November 1, 1984

Trashy Business

When Houston’s rich and powerful join forces with environmentalists to battle big corporations, they can be fighting over only one thing. Garbage.

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