
November 1, 1978

Stop the Presses

That’s exactly what the Mexican government tries to do when journalists get out of hand.

Classical Music|
September 30, 1978

A Knight at the Opera

A look at Dallas Civic Opera’s Plato Karayanis, a man with a noble cause who’s selling tickets to a dream.

August 31, 1978

Laser Days

Lasers have been heralded as the greatest discovery since the computer, but they may be hazardous to your health.

July 31, 1978

In Praise Follies

A motley crew of actors, writers, and musicians are creating the most talked-about theater in Austin.

Country Notes|
July 31, 1978

The Loser

When another farmer goes broke his neighbors thank God it wasn’t them; then they wonder when their turn is coming.

June 30, 1978

Just Baby and Me

A mother’s job offers no vacations, no holidays, and lousy pay, but it’s a noble profession.

Classical Music|
June 30, 1978

The Seven-Year Hitch

Conducting the Houston Symphony, Lawrence Foster inspired respect. He didn’t know he needed love too.

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