
751-800 of 810 Articles
January 1, 1990

Going By the Book

When his luck ran out, A.W. Gray ended up behind bars. Now he’s on a winning streak as a crime novelist.

True Crime|
August 31, 1989

“I Loved the Dapper Bandit”

She was a hooker. He was a race car driver. They fell in love. She moved in. He put on his three-piece suit and went to work. She was always on call. They fought. She moved out. Then she found out that his real job was bank jobs.

True Crime|
January 1, 1988

The Sins of Walker Railey

He had a wife and a girlfriend. His ambition was unchecked. He tried to commit suicide. But when I came face to face with the minister of my boyhood church, the sin we talked about was murder.

News & Politics|
August 31, 1987

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

In 1980 a white girl was raped and murdered at Conroe High School, and the police quickly arrested a black janitorial supervisor. Now it looks as if the case wasn’t so open and shut after all.

True Crime|
April 1, 1986

Swamp Gas

When Jimmy Lee, an unrepentant troublemaker, felt he had taken one insult too many from the powerful Fredeman family, he called in the law. The results of that action have exposed decades of larceny and corruption in Port Arthur and threaten a Gulf Coast empire.

True Crime|
August 31, 1985

The Final Gun

In a small East Texas town a black principal and a white coach loved the same woman. First came the gossip. Next came the strange letters. And then there was a murder.

December 1, 1984

Peddling Paranoia

Selling crime self-help devices has become a booming business. But do any of these gadgets really make us safer?

April 30, 1984

Just Friends

The story of Lenell Geter’s release from prison is unfinished without the tale of the conservative engineers who stuck their necks out to help a friend in trouble.

August 31, 1983

The Big Con

From his early days in Big Spring, Eugene Anderson wasn’t what he seemed; neither was the mysterious element he later claimed turned water into fuel.

August 31, 1983

Love in the Slammer

Sometimes women fall in love with men behind bars, but once the bars disappear, the love itself may become the prison.

True Crime|
July 31, 1983

The Death Shift

The three-to-eleven evening shift, Bexar County Hospital, San Antonio: nurse Genene Jones was on duty in the pediatric intensive care unit, and for months babies kept having mysterious—sometimes fatal—emergencies. Why?

May 31, 1982

The Proving Ground

Probation gives criminals a chance to show society that they can stay straight. Probation officers like Jan Purdom believe the system works.

News & Politics|
April 30, 1982

The Box

Used correctly, the polygraph can tell whether or not an accused criminal’s claim that he didn’t do it is true. Too bad the police can’t take that to court.

November 1, 1981

The Cons Next Door

To unjam its prisons, Texas is moving convicted felons out of the big house and into a house on your block.

August 31, 1981

Cattle Call

Trial by jury is a right most people charged with a crime never get to exercise. Instead, they accept a quicker, less risky alternative: the plea bargain.

May 31, 1981

Lock ‘Em Up

Mandatory sentencing means every felon gets the same sentence for the same crime - and for the rest of us it means a lot of crimes that won’t happen.

March 1, 1981

Sins of the Fathers

Violence within the family tends not to be taken too seriously by the courts. But eventually that violence will burst loose to threaten us all.

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